This document constitutes the "Privacy Policy" of the portal and will be subject to updates.

This page describes the site’s management methods with reference to the problems of the processing of personal data of the users who consult it.

The information included herein is intended to provide explanations, in particular on the modalities, timing and nature of the directly or indirectly identifying information that the owner collects when users connect to web pages of the site, regardless of the purpose of the link.

This website has an informative and commercial function, as it offers information on the products and price lists of our Company and allows users to place orders directly online. Furthermore, this website is a digital communication medium.

In cases in which personal information has to be collected for other purposes, this will be clearly highlighted in the legal information, prior to the data collection form, in order to allow transparency and awareness to the user.

Ownership of Data Processing:

    Registered office: Via Costituzione n. 41/43 - 46010 Levata di Curtatone (MN)
    VAT NO.: IT 01693940205
    Registered office: Corso Garibaldi, 57 - 46100 Mantova (MN)
    VAT NO.: IT 02570150207

Responsibility for data processing

The list of external entities nominated as Data Processors:

  1. Ovh S.r.l. (server on which the domain is registered)
    Registered office: Via Leopoldo Cicognara, 7 – 20129, Milano
    VAT NO.: IT 06157670966
  2. DHL Express Italy S.r.l.
    Registered office: Via Lombardia 2/A – 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
    VAT NO.: IT 04209680158
  3. BRT S.P.A.
    Registered office: Foro Buonaparte 67 - 20121 Milano (MI)
    VAT NO.: IT 04507990150
  4. GENERAL LOGISTICS SYSTEMS ITALY S.P.A. with sole shareholder
    Registered office: Via Basento 19 – 20098 – San Giuliano Milanese (MI)
    VAT NO.: IT 12144660151
    Viale Europa, 175 – 00144 – Roma (RM)
    VAT NO.: IT 05714511002
    Viale Europa, 190 – 00144 – Roma (RM)
    VAT NO.: IT 01114601006


Navigation of the website in unregistered areas can be done completely anonymously, even using pseudonyms.


When we need to collect personal data, this is made explicit with a special information notice drawn up in accordance with Italian and EU law that highlights, in addition, the specific purposes of use.

Completion of purchases and remarketing

When registered customers who do not object to the use of their e-mail address for e-mail marketing or registered users give their consent to the processing of their data for e-mail marketing purposes, ACETIFICIO MENGAZZOL S.N.C and/or ALMAVIVANDAE S.R.L. may process the data relating to operations and views performed by them on to inform them via e-mail of the circumstance that products inserted by them in the cart but not yet purchased are still available (allowing them to complete the purchase quickly and safely) or to offer them the same or similar products via e-mail (re-marketing).

Customisation of advertising, based on browsing behavior

By automatically reworking users' browsing behaviours, ACETIFICIO MENGAZZOLI s.n.c and/or ALMAVIVANDAE S.R.L. can create "clusters" (homogeneous groups of similar users), in order to develop targeted digital campaigns, customized and in line with users' tastes. In addition, the technological solution adopted by ACETIFICIO MENGAZZOLI s.n.c. and/or ALMAVIVANDAE S.R.L. can enhance with an algorithm the similarities between products displayed/purchased, page views or advertising on the site by users, purchases made by users, purchase actions initiated but interrupted (leaving the shopping cart) by users, with the aim of making the advertising communication closer to the user's interests in real time and to simplify the use of the site, adapting it to the their needs and choices.

The above activities take place both with regard to users who navigate the site without having authenticated themselves, and with regard to users who - immediately or during navigation - have authenticated themselves. In the first case, the system does not identify the users, but only their devices (on which it installs cookies to track navigation); in the second case, the system identifies the users through their credentials, and is able to define a personalized profile.

For non-authenticated users, the legal basis of this treatment is the express consent - in compliance with the provision of the Guarantor - overcoming the banner relating to cookies. All the detailed information on cookies and how to uninstall them are available in the section

For authenticated users, the legal basis for this processing is the consent that is specifically requested from them through a pop-up that appears at the time of authentication.

Users can always object to the processing of data for the purpose of personalizing advertising and/or revoke the consent given. This is possible by writing an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer at

Control options on your privacy choices for registered users

In addition to the methods indicated above, users can always modify their privacy choices (e.g. by revoking a consent given, or opposing treatment based on legitimate interest) in the appropriate section of their personal account.

Data transfer abroad (non-EU)

In order to provide the services related to the site, the Company's policy is to minimize the opportunities for transfer of personal data outside the European Union. Only in relation to certain specific technical or support services (such as, for example, software maintenance of the CRM management system, the web-chat switchboard or the SMS customer communications system) may data transfer outside the European Union take place, resulting from the service architecture offered to us by our suppliers. In these cases, the transfer takes place in any case in accordance with an appropriate legal basis, and in particular an adequacy assessment carried out by the competent institutions regarding the legislation protecting personal data in the country of destination of the data, or the signing, by the subcontractors receiving the data, of standard contractual clauses in accordance with the standards defined by the European Commission.

Invisible data collection

Our site's web servers only require users' browsers to provide the information strictly necessary to establish communication.


ACETIFICIO MENGAZZOLI S.N.C. and/or ALMAVIVANDAE S.R.L. collect personal data only when this is essential to achieve the stated purpose.

Data quality

We follow qualitative criteria in information management - such as direct collection from the person concerned - aimed at minimizing the possibility of incorrect information being used.


The collection of personal data through our website is exclusively voluntary and exclusively to provide the requested services.

Data storage

The personal data collected from the site will be stored by us or on our behalf: when processed because required by law, for the time required by law; when the processing is based on the user's consent or on the legitimate interest of ACETIFICIO MENGAZZOLI S.n.c. and/or ALMAVIVANDAE S.R.L.  for the time strictly necessary to achieve the stated purpose. The browsing data collected for advertising personalization purposes are stored for a maximum of 6 months, and then automatically deleted.

Exercise of rights and Data Protection Officer (DPO)

At any time we guarantee users the possibility to contact us to request any information/clarification regarding the use of their personal data. ACETIFICIO MENGAZZOLI S.n.c. and ALMAVIVANDAE S.R.L.  have appointed a Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO) available to all interested parties who may wish to exercise their rights under the new legislation on data protection (Articles 15-22, EU Regulation 679/2016). To contact the DPO, you can send an email to the following address .

Protection instruments

Any dispute relating to the processing described above can be the subject of a complaint to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, Piazza Venezia 11 00187 Rome, or to the Control Authority of the European State where the data subject resides. The possibility of appealing to the judicial authority remains unaffected.

The site to ensure the security of transmission of confidential data (eg. User Credentials) uses the best known and established protocol for secure transactions on the Web: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) supported by the most popular browsers.

The use of this technology provides that confidential information travels over the Internet only in encrypted form, i.e. encoded according to a complex mathematical algorithm that reasonably guarantees its illegibility by criminals.

The use of the Secure Server for the user

The use of an SSL Secure Server by the user is very simple and does not involve any particular procedure.
The compatible browser, i.e. able to communicate in encrypted form with the secure server (all the latest versions of the most popular browsers are), automatically and autonomously manages the secure communication process.

How do I know if a Server is Safe?

The sending and receiving of data in connection with a Secure SSL Server is usually reported by the Browser with a warning window and a page address with the prefix Https (note the final S), furthermore:

  • Microsoft Edge
    displays the "Padlock Closed" image next to the address bar on the left. To view information about your SSL Certificate (Certificate Authority - Issue and Expiration Dates...) click on the padlock.
  • Mozilla Firefox
    displays the "Padlock Closed" image next to the address bar on the left. To view information about your SSL Certificate (Certificate Authority - Issue and Expiration Dates...) click on the padlock and the icon in the window that opens.
  • Google Chrome
    displays the "Padlock Closed" image next to the address bar on the left. To view information about your SSL Certificate (Certificate Authority - Issue and Expiration Dates...) click on the padlock and select "Certificate" from the list shown.
  • Safari
    displays the "Locked Lock" image next to the address bar on the right and makes information about the SSL Certificate (Certificate Authority - Issue and Expiration Dates...) available by clicking on it and selecting "Show Certificate".
  • Internet Explorer 11
    displays the "Locked Lock" image next to the address bar on the right and makes information about the SSL Certificate (Certificate Authority - Issue and Expiration Dates...) available by clicking on it and selecting "Show Certificate".
    The correct website's behavior is not guaranteed with Internet Explorer and its use is not recommended.


In case of payment with Nexi, the Customer is redirected to a secure page managed by Nexi itself where the payment procedure will take place. The charge is made at the same time as the order or the date of shipment of the goods.

In the unfortunate event that someone takes possession of your credit card details, it is important to know that you can always contact the credit card provider and refuse the charge and once you have ascertained the actual conditions of use of the card, you will be refunded the amounts charged.

In case, I do not want to send my credit card details? ACETIFICIO MENGAZZOLI S.N.C., though providing a secure payment system, offers customers the possibility to pay by bank transfer in advance.


For the correct navigation of the site it is necessary to have Javascript enabled, normally in all browsers are enabled by default.

In order to complete the order you must have Javascript enabled.

How do you activate Javascript?

On most web browsers, Javascript is already enabled.

To verify it, you can follow these instructions:

  • Internet Explorer
    Menu: Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level -> In the section "Script Execution" activate "Active Script Execution".
  • Edge
    Using Edge on Windows 10 operating system, javascripts are enabled with no possibility to disable them.
  • Firefox
    JavaScript is enabled by default. To deactivate them follow the instructions below:
    Emulator (F12) -> Tools options (icon on the right) -> Settings -> Advanced settings -> Disable Javascript
  • Safari
    Menu: Safari -> Preferences -> Security -> Enable Javascript
  • Chrome
    Other (three vertical dots) -> Settings -> Advanced -> Privacy and Security -> Site Setting -> Javascript -> Allowed